Adult Education

“Real Jewish education begins when you are an adult.” Rabbi Neely
We do the best we can to help children learn and understand the basics of Judaism, but only an adult can see how all the pieces fit together into fuller lives. This is why adult education is so important to us.
Temple Israel offers a wide range of classes covering the classics, such as Torah study and Mishnah, all the way to more modern issues such as the environment, civic responsibilities, and the State of Israel.
Private sessions are also available to help you explore personal interests. Most of our classes are either live-streamed or uploaded to YouTube to make them more accessible.
Additional Resources for Jewish Adult Education

The best online resource for classic Jewish texts, all texts have been heavily cross-referenced. Many have English translations. There is also a good app.

The best online calendar reference. It shows the dates of holidays, start times, Torah readings, date converters, etc.

The Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies ziegler
This Los Angeles rabbinic school has an online archive of learning materials. Look for the learning portal.

The Jewish Theological Seminary
The New York rabbinic school and university. They have an online archive of materials.

Seminario Rabinico Latin Americano
The rabbinic school in Argentina. They have many Spanish resources.

The Rabbinical Assembly
The organization of Conservative rabbis. There are many materials available; the section on Jewish Law is of particular interest. They also sell many books.

My Jewish Learning
A good general knowledge site. It covers many topics.

Judaism 101
A good general knowledge site. It covers many topics.
In general, the articles here are correct if sometimes incomplete. The historical information is very good in particular.

My Jewish Learning
A good general knowledge site. It covers many topics.

• Tanach
• Siddur
• The Observant Life
• The Jewish Home Advisor
• A History of the Jews
• Jewish History for Dummies
• The Commentators Bible
• Back to the Sources
• The Jewish Holidays: A Guide & Commentary
Pathway to Judaism
Chain of Torah