Giving Opportunities

Giving Opportunities

Thank you for generous and kind support of Temple Israel.  Through your donations, we can continue to provide wonderful programs, maintain our facility, and help meet the needs of the community.   

Gifts can be directed to a specific fund, and can be designated to celebrate life cycle events and simchas celebrated by friends and family members, such as birthdays (and new birth days!), anniversaries, B’nai mitzvot, and weddings. Donations can also be made in memory of loved ones for recent deaths or Yahrzeit anniversaries.

Acknowledgment of each donation will be sent to the respective family.   

Flag of Israel in front of a clear blue sky
  • Cemetery, which supports the operation and beautification of the Temple Israel Cemetery, which is managed by the Temple Israel Cemetery Corporation, a separate 501(c)3 non-profit entity
  • Men’s Club, which underwrites its activities and social events
  • Religious School, which supports religious school programming and tuition scholarship
  • Rabbi’s Tzedakah, which provides discretionary funding for the Rabbi to assist those in need, both within and without the congregation
  • Sisterhood, which supports all aspects of synagogue life.  Please CLICK HERE to go to Sisterhood’s website to make your donation
  • Torah Restoration, which ensures that congregational Torah scrolls are properly maintained according to the highest standards of Jewish law and custom.  Funds are also used for the beautification and maintenance of the Bimah and synagogue ritual objects.