Temple Israel is a highly participatory congregation with opportunities that span all interests. From becoming involved within the synagogue to reaching out to those within the community, there are different ways to volunteer. It is easy to get involved!
Would you rather get involved by:

- Volunteering through social action, Mitzvah Day, or a community service project?
- Visiting congregants in the hospital, rehabilitation facilities, and hospice care?
- Helping with our Meitin Alliance for Growth and Learning (MAGAL) Religious School?
- Attending meetings or being on a committee, or participating on the Ritual Committee? [Link to Committee Chairs page]
- Joining Sisterhood or Men’s Club?
- Helping in the office?

- Attending adult education classes?
- Leading services or participating in rituals? [Link to Ritual Committee page]
- Reading Torah or Haftorah?
- Learning the melodies used in services? [Link to Worship Audio Files]
- Making a financial donation?