

Temple Israel is an egalitarian, progressive Conservative synagogue in Winter Springs, Florida where Jewish tradition and change sit comfortably side by side.

We are family, and a strong sense of community has always characterized our congregational life.  

Our doors are open and all are welcome.  

Shabbat Service Times 

Friday Evening Kabbalat Shabbat  

  • Shabbat Service time: 7:00 pm, apart from the first Friday of each month at 6:00 pm.
  • Saturday Morning Shabbat Service time: 9:30 am 
  • Livestream

We are under the direction of our spiritual leader, Rabbi, Joshua Neely, with the assistance of member volunteers as Torah/Haftarah readers, Shlichay Tzibor (prayer leaders), and Gabbaim.   

Attire is Business Casual.

We read from “Etz Hayim, Torah and Commentary” published by The Rabbinical Assembly of The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism.  

We have prayer books, Kippot and Tallitot available to use during services.

Also, there are large print copies (for those who prefer it) and headphones (for those who prefer it). 

Mission Statement

Temple Israel is an innovative synagogue dedicated to a Conservative philosophy, which promotes Jewish growth to a diverse community.