Sunday Minyan
Temple Israel 50 S Moss Road, Winter Springs, FL, United StatesOur minyan starts at 9:00am in person and on zoom. Meeting ID: 838 8578 9313 Passcode: 165936
Our minyan starts at 9:00am in person and on zoom. Meeting ID: 838 8578 9313 Passcode: 165936
For 6th-8th grade families (younger and older siblings welcome!) Meet at Fun Spot at 1:15 pm. Pick up at 5:15 pm Some car share spots available. Please contact Noelle Rivers […]
Join Temple Israel's Men's Club for a friendly game of poker and more! Everyone welcome! $10. Beer and snacks provided. Contact Michael Danoff for more information and to RSVP at […] Meeting ID: 779 592 739 Passcode: 856939
Our minyan starts at 9:00am in person and on zoom. Meeting ID: 838 8578 9313 Passcode: 165936