

We are eternally grateful to those individuals and families who have established endowments at Temple Israel. Endowments are through the Tampa-Orlando-Pinellas Jewish Foundation, Inc. (TOP). These can also be set up as a Designated Fund directly through Temple Israel. The endowments listed below continue to benefit the Temple Israel community and provide an opportunity for us to continue their legacies.

  • Goold Family Hebrew Education Fund
  • Morris & Lillian LaBellman Temple Israel Endowment Fund
  • Ralph & Bluma W. Meitin Designated Fund
  • Al & Mollie Siskind Philanthropic Fund
  • Joseph & Esther Rosenblith Scholarship Fund for Jewish Leadership Training
  • Tess & Abe O. Wise “March of the Living” Temple Israel Endowment Fund

To initiate an endowment or donate towards one, contact manager@templeisraelorlando.org for additional information.