Ma’asim Tovim and Bikkur Cholim

Ma’asim Tovim and Bikkur Cholim

Good Deeds and Visiting the Sick

Ma’asim Tovim

Temple Israel encourages the participation of our congregants in a wide range of community service activities. Doing acts of chesed (loving-kindness) is one of the pillars upon which the world stands. If you are interested in social action, have a mitzvah project in mind, or like how it feels to give back, then the Ma’asim Tovim Committee welcomes your helping hands.

Past projects include:

  • Congregation-wide and MAGAL student mitzvah days
  • Installing a Little Free Library and Little Free Pantry outside our synagogue
  • Collecting food for the JFS Pearlman Emergency Food Pantry
  • Purchasing new shoes and socks for local students in need through Sneakers That Fit

Contact Ma’asim Tovim Chair Emily Raij at with your ideas and questions.

Bikkur Cholim

Our Bikkur Cholim Committee takes part in the very special mitzvah of visiting the sick.

Members schedule times to see congregants who are in local hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, or hospice care. There are also opportunities to send get-well cards and bring Shabbat challahs to cheer up patients.

With COVID-19 restrictions still in place, in-person visitation is not possible at this time, but phone calls and cards are always welcome. This page will be updated when the situation changes.

If you are interested in giving your time toward Bikkur Cholim, contact Carol Albert at