MAGAL Religious School

Meitin Alliance for Growth And Learning, a Collaborative Religious School for Jewish Students in Kindergarten through 7th Grade
There are two guiding principles that drive us: a dedication to lifelong learning and a determination to put our Judaism into practice in our daily lives. This commitment is reflected in our religious school and youth educational programs through and through. MAGAL, the Hebrew word for "circle" and a symbol of oneness, serves Central Florida Jewish families. MAGAL is a cooperative school drawing students from multiple synagogues and Jewish movements. Our participating synagogues are committed to providing a strong Jewish education and identity to our children. The core elements and skills of our faith come naturally to our students, thanks to our integrated curriculum, which emphasizes mastery and understanding. These elements give our kids ownership of their identity and help them feel comfortable discussing the world around them with a Jewish outlook. It also means they learn how to transmit all that is wonderful in our heritage to the world beyond the doors of the synagogue, whether it be part of a school project or os individuals. We also have many opportunities for family learning and participation in events. It is important that our young people see their family and other adults engaged in the great conversation of our faith that has continued for more than 3,000 years.
We welcome all families and children and believe in equity and belonging across race, gender, nation of origin, and identity. Our community is enriched because of our differences.
2024-2025 MAGAL Registration
Participating Congregations
Temple Israel
Temple Shir Shalom
Who Should Attend MAGAL
Photo Gallery
School year runs from
August to May
Grades 3 - 7
5:00pm - 6:30pm
Kindergarten - 7th Grade
9:00am - 12:30pm
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Thank You
Thank you to the Meitin family whose support made MAGAL possible.