Men's Club
What is the Men's Club?
Temple Israel Men’s Club is an organization that offers programs for men and strives to perpetuate the ideals of Conservative Judaism and create a Jewish brotherhood in Central Florida.
The Men’s Club is a member of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC), which involves Jewish men in Jewish life through leadership, innovation, and community.
We work on and expand projects to support the Temple. Men’s Club involvement can lead to lifelong friendships.
Who Can Join?
Anyone who identifies as a man who practices Judaism can join.
Men from different backgrounds and age groups are members of the Men's Club.
We love to have new members who can provide fresh ideas and contribute to our activities.
Where Do My Dues Go?
Dues go towards supporting a variety of activities within the Temple. A portion of the dues goes towards supporting FJMC.
For members of Temple Israel, it supports:
- Educational
- Spiritual
- Social
- Recreational
- Adult and Youth Programming
The Men's Club also provides financial assistance for youth groups participating in USY conventions and regional and national programs, such as Summer camps and Hazamir.
In the past year, we have run a variety of programs for every taste and need, such as hiking, Poker Night, Shabbaton in nature, discussion groups, wine/beer/whiskey learning and tasting, Hannukah program, Yizkor candles during Yom Kippur, Yellow candles for Yom Hashoa (Holocaust Day), and much more. We are one of the most active clubs in Florida!!!
On the first Thursday in November of each year, Men’s Clubs from several local synagogues unite for Orlando’s Men’s Night Out—a fun night with great food, friends, and entertainment.
Men’s Club participates in various religious activities, such as building the Sukkah and acting as ushers for the High Holidays.
We participate in religious school activities by making pizza for the annual Purim Carnival.
More Information
To get more information about Men’s Club, contact the President of Men’s Club, David Shames, at (407) 310-2890.