Tot Shabbat

Tot Shabbat Program

Join Penelope Neely for our monthly Tot Shabbat program and meet other families with small children as we celebrate Shabbat with the youngest members of our community! This is a chance for our tots to let off steam and be as rambunctious as they like while still learning!

Before or afterwards, you are welcome to join the congregation for the remainder of the morning service in the Sanctuary. Our Quiet Room allows you to see and hear the service while giving your tots the freedom to move and speak freely.

What you need to know about Tot Shabbat

All are welcome, and Temple Israel Membership is not required. This joyful and engaging program is geared toward families with young children, ages 5 and under (older siblings are welcome, too). There is no cost, though donations are gratefully accepted.

We look forward to seeing you at our next event! View upcoming Tot Shabbat dates here.

How to RSVP to Tot Shabbat

In order to ensure appropriate preparation of props and snacks, it is vital that you RSVP to Penelope Neely at with the number of people in your family group no later than the Wednesday immediately prior to each Tot Shabbat event. A confirmation email will be sent. We can not guarantee that we will have enough supplies for anyone without a reservation.