Join Temple Israel's Men's Club for a friendly game of poker and more! Everyone welcome! $10. Beer and snacks provided. Contact Michael Danoff for more information and to RSVP at [email protected].
Our minyan starts at 9:00am in person and on zoom. Meeting ID: 838 8578 9313 Passcode: 165936
Our minyan starts at 9:00am in person and on zoom. Meeting ID: 838 8578 9313 Passcode: 165936
Thursday, July 18 at 7pm Join us at Dr. Rein's home in Longwood on July 18 at 7pm. This event is free, but be sure to RSVP to Natan Brener at 407-435-8613 (text)
Our minyan starts at 9:00am in person and on zoom. Meeting ID: 838 8578 9313 Passcode: 165936
Our minyan starts at 9:00am in person and on zoom. Meeting ID: 838 8578 9313 Passcode: 165936
Friday August 2 | 7:00 PM Have Shabbat dinner with old and new Temple Israel friends Sign up at Potential new members Free Admission!
Our minyan starts at 9:00am in person and on zoom. Meeting ID: 838 8578 9313 Passcode: 165936